Monday, 20 February 2012

A short interlude - Normal service will resume shortly

People may have wondered where I've been hiding for the last two weeks and probably hoping my urge to fill cyberspace with my inane drivel has passed and that will be the last you ever hear from me.

Well unfortunately, that is not the case. Due to a slight technical glitch, I have been computer-less until now. In view of the technical circumstance I thought it appropriate and fitting, to celebrate my return with one of the 40 or so clips featured once shown by the BBC.

During the 1950's and into the 1960's (its the latter period I remember this from), whenever there was a break between programmes or a technical breakdown  in studio transmission they would broadcast an 'Interlude'.

This consisted of a short film shot in tranquil settings such as a river bank scene or windmill sails revolving. These films would be accompanied by a suitable piece of mood music. Of all the clips, probably the most famous is the film of the potters wheel seen here.

Normal service will resume shortly

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