I have just been reading his updates from the weekend and his trip to Welney and the Ouse Washes. Unfortunately, what spoilt a lovely day for Graeme was going down with a severe cold and when he got home having to retire to bed. Given the nature of the resulting blog the next day, I reasoned that what ever medication he was taking for his cold then I could do with some of that the next time I have man flu!
One of our joint followers (welcome to my random world Katie Nature ID) commented on the near similarity between Graeme's wonderful picture of a distant Ely Cathedral taken from the Ouse Washes with somewhere nearer to where she lives - the power plant at Elkhorn Slough, near Moss Landing, California.
dairy farm and power plant near Elkhorn Slough (c Rotton Yarns) |
The Lighthouse Grill and Whole Enchilada were great and along with Plumes Coffee shop in Monterey and Country Rose in Hollister, all made joint number one eateries on our California trip last September. I suppose though it would be fair to say the hiring policy of the coffee shop also helped boost its ratings and their cinnamon whirls were out of this whirld - they were the size of a frizby!
As for our bird list at said site over two visits:
Black phoebe
Brewers blackbird
Brown headed cowbird
Red winged blackbird
American kestrel
Red tailed hawk
Turkey vulture
Barn owl
Western sandpiper
Spotted sandpiper
Red necked phalarope - bucket loads!!
Marbled godwit
Long billed curlew
Semi palmated plover
Great white egret
Snowy egret
Great blue heron
White faced ibis
Brown pelican
White pelican
Song sparrow
House finch
American goldfinch
Downy woodpecker
Western gull
Double crested cormorant
California towhee
Chestnut backed chickadee
Belted kingfisher
In addition on our second visit we saw all the above plus:
Hen harrier
Great horned owl
Wilson's warbler
Least sandpiper
Ring billed gull
we also dipped on Baird's sandpiper!
Given we didn't go more than 3/4 mile, spending most of our time within 100 yards of the car and was there probably no more than 2 hours each visit, you'd be hard pressed to see anything near the equivalent at Welney or the Ouse Washes in a week even if you walked miles!
This illustrates why I don't bother birding at home any more :o( Its such a shame birding here is not as good as it used to be. I guess most of the birds are still here, but are harder to find because of depressed numbers, in fewer places that are further apart and away!! I can see the same birds up my street or in my garden as if I drove 10 miles to somewhere, so I may as well save up my big carbon footprint for the odd annual trip such as California! Or as in this year Romania - which reminds me! I'm supposed to be doing some research for that - byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!